Meets every 3rd Saturday of the month
Come join us for a dynamic time of prayer and fellowship.

Fellows In The Spirit Ministry encourages men to assemble together and share their joy in the Lord, by exchanging experiences, knowledge, fellowship and passion for action in the community as well as at the church. This multi-generational gathering strengthens men of all ages through the application of God’s Word and mentor-ship of young men.

Fellows In The Spirit (FITS) meet on the third Saturday of each month at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted. The goals of the ministry are to”

  • Glorify God in all of our ways, Luke 10:27
  • Teach and Apply the Lessons of the WORD, II Timothy 3:16
  • Encourage and Connect Spiritual Men of All Ages, Proverbs 27:17
  • Challenge every Man to seek the Heart of GOD, Matthew 22:37-38
  • Engage in Praise and Worship as a Community, Psalm 100